Parade of Lost Souls
Wow! The first thought that screamed through my head as we walked up the street towards the lights and sounds coming from a mass of people. Hundreds of ghouls, goblins, heroes and heroines amassed around 5 or 6 (I could quite see through or over the group despite my 6'2" height) well costumed musicians as they played random rythms and melodies in unison. The combination of people dancing in the street, the music, the buzz of energy through the masses spark a feeling of excitement that runs from head to toe... inspiring me to join in the dancing. All this energy and we haven't even reached commercial drive. Infact the group of us, consisting of Erin, Bob, Andrew, Melody and Myself, were still 2 blocks away from 'the Drive'!
The musicians finished the last melody with a cheer from the crowd and pack up to move on to another location. As the crowd disperses the group of us continue up the street getting closer to commercial drive. Weaving through the congestion of people, we stop occasionally to watch the mini-shows and admire decorations people have put together. Displays of stilted people juggeling flaming sticks while posing for pictures, Cerebrus with all three heads pushed through the chain link fence howling at unexpecting passers by.
After much wandering through the perimeter streets, chasing every distracting spectical, we finally reach the main event and what an event it was! Music, cheers, pops, bangs, the shuffle of people pushing through crowds of other people, dancing, dramatic displays of excitment ...quite literally ...no I'm serious, there was a guy costumed as a giant penis who had two younger women following him around occasionally rubbing against him 'causing' him to stand straight up and bounce around in excitment shooting silly string into the crowds of people! All five of us point and laugh!
Then came these creatures... stilted, dressed black with wings for arms and bird like skeleton heads (see above) sqwacking at seemingly random people. Dancing to the music playing around them, they move through the crowd as if there is an invisible force around them pushing people out of their way. There is something entrancing about the way they move as they dance... I can't take my eyes off them. Beautiful and eerie at the same time!
At this point our group splits up. Bob and Erin having been to this parade in past years, are more interested in meeting up with other friends while Melody, Andrew and I are content weaving through people, dancing and just having a good time... it was like being a kid again! Then at 10 o'clock (almost like Mother Nature was keeping track of the time) the clouds decided to open up and pour down rain bringing an end to the party. With Army Soldiers, Devils, Witches, Scantily clad female police officers (one of my favorite costumes) and the likes quickly vacating the area, the three of us decided to head back to the cars. We made our way through town to Subeez for some dessert and coffee where we deliberated what to do for the remainder of the night. After much talk I decided it best to head home instead of staying out, for I had a long day that day and had an even longer day awaiting me. We said our goodbyes and within minutes was on the road home.
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