
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

...Burning Out?

Def: A psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest.

Is this what it feels like? burn yourself out?

To do something so much that it's done to the point of exhaustion? There's no way I'm burnt out!
The last three months have been very tiring and I think the continuous climbing/bouldering indoors is starting to take its toll on me. Maybe its the fact that I haven't touched real rock in 2 1/2 months and climbed indoors right through the second half of the climbing season.

...maybe its that I haven't really stopped or slowed down since I started climbing two years ago... not even through the winter. The last couple days I've been feeling sluggish, uninspired and even out of shape. I have been seriously doubting my abilities... diet might be out (more so than usual) and is causing all this... I did after all start taking multi-vitamins again. Probably should reduce the amount of sugar I eat.

I think I just need to rediscover my love for climbing by tying into a rope and actually climb... as opposed to boulder. Feel the wind blowing... sucessfully navigate the sequence of moves... feel the excitement of being that far off the ground... feel confident of my abilities again!

*sigh* I'll stop my mindless ramblings here...


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