Climbing yesterday at Flashpoint, I decided to sit in front of a project of mine...
Concerned that it might be to much too soon for a delicate injury...
Calming myself with the thought that I'll stop if it hurts...
Concentrating, I squeeze the sweat out of each tips pad...
Chalking thoroughly, ensuring adequate coverage...
Cautiously I reach for the start holds, adjusting my position...
Charting a course across the wall, I pull up, hook and reach...
Contracting every muscle between my feet and shoulders I smoothly reach...
Contact, the hold is small and far, leaving me stretched in an awkward position...
Controlling every move, keeping the hips in tight, I flow...
Ceaselessly moving through the sequence of sustained moves...
Caressing each hold with minimal effort, maintaining weight on my feet until the...
Constantly spitting me off in previous attempts, attempts so numerous...
Counting them would fill days...
Conviction setting in I push through the nerves and reach for that unforgiving pocket...
Centered and balanced, I slip my fingers in with dead accuracy...
Crushing all doubt in mind that I would not...
Could not finish this project...
Cheering as I stretch to the ceiling and across to the end hold...
Childishly falling to the mat below...
Captivated, people congratulate me on my success.
- At last I'm seeing results from resting the fingers :)
congrats on the finger usage and accomplishing your route!
Now don't go reaggravating them immediately again :)
Grats on the pic your getting.. I think that's an awesome choice!
12:41 PM
That's a wicked poem... I didn't know you could write so well.
Wanna hang out this weekend? E-mail me.
5:04 PM
hey trevs
just wanted to let you know that we need to pick exact dates for the trip. i'm in town thurs. wanna climb around 700(ish)
you have my gear. so let me know.
10:22 PM
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