
Thursday, November 22, 2007

...Dinner for Two

I lean up against the counter while the pan starts to heat up the olive oil... her back to me cutting zucchini... my eyes trace the contour of her form, toe to frazzled hair.
I smile...

...the vegetables are sizzling in the pan, red and green peppers. White onions slowly caramelizing... the garlic... all hissing. The noodles boiling in the pot and the aroma of rich creamy Alfredo... the bitter sweet taste of the Merlot running across my tongue. Her arms wrapped around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder...

She leans up against me while we sit on the couch and watch a movie... I can smell her hair... feel her warmth... we share pieces of Nougat and Dark Lindt Chocolate. I can taste the chocolate on her lips...

I am still smiling.


Blogger Tele Queen said...

that was lovely Trevor, you really know how to express that it's the small moments that count :)

Also: I am THRILLED for you. Nothing short of elated.

7:47 PM


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