Through numerous discussions with CaM... I have gone through what some would call a phase of self analysis and discovered a few things about me that I either didn't know or knew but forgot somewhere along the way... they are listed in the order they came to me...
- Girls with French Accents, Long Legs, Ridiculously Cute Smiles, Wide eyes and Shape... drive me crazy in all ways possible!
- I think too much... maybe at some point in my life I took the phrases like 'look before you leap' and 'think before you speak' too literally and therefore have prevented myself from taking risks that could have helped me become a better, more well rounded person with more life experience than I currently have.
- I can love some one who occasionally smokes... (this is a big deal).
- I can love and feel loved by others.
- I can hurt more than I ever thought possible.
- I can be angry with someone and still love them.
- I can be jealous... a feeling that I had considered myself to be better than... apparently I need to work on that still.
- I'm not doing, nor currently planning to do any of the things I would like to while I'm still young(ish). I would like to change this... soon.
- I have become a working stiff by the age of 26... and am for some reason ashamed of it. And somewhat fear full that if I lose/quit my job... my life would become uncomfortable.
- I only do some of the things I consider fun... and may have become a bit of a prude because of it. I take myself a little too seriously.
- I have not been living life to the fullest. I currently live more for the distant future than for the present or very near future. I would like to change this.
- The desire to live my life and experience everything in it with someone else, runs deeper than I ever imagined. I have a fear of being alone in life despite the fact I'm surrounded by great friends and family.
[Arbyn should love this :) ]
Jealousy is something you feel, feelings just happen. It's more what you do with it that counts.
Nice to watch you growing up. Awful to know it hurts so much.
6:10 AM
good list!
7:50 PM
It hurts to realize the things that hold you back or keep you from fully being yourself. But self discovery, in every sense of the words, makes you a bigger, stronger, and happier person. Although it may hurt and at times piss you off... you are growing as a person, and in turn becoming a better person.
A person "without" flaws is "ugly"; one with flaws is beautiful. Keep that in mind.
10:24 AM
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