...now where did I leave off... ...I can't believe its already been a month since the trip!
Right... the V6.
With the lightheaded feeling still prevalent from what I had just accomplished we packed up all the gear and made our way out of the canyon. My head swirling from finishing the problem... I'm over whelmed with a feeling of happiness... so much so that I barely say more than a couple words the entire way out. It was almost to much to take... the emotions of being happy and sad all intertwined with a desire to stay. To stay and climb... now that is a novel idea! Jeremy and Candace had earlier made an offer to any two of us, an offer to travel with them for the remaining 3 months of their journey... and climb. Once again it was all to much to take.
There was no way that I would be able to stay... too many responsibilities. The thought floated away.
Now back at the trucks and loading the gear, we say our final goodbyes to the area. All of us with a solemn look on our face. The memories still fresh in our heads. We drive away down the washboard road for the final time in silence.
With a long drive ahead we make our way to the high way and start our journey home. We did not realize that despite our feelings of despair for leaving, excitement still lay before us. There was after all, another day and a half together.

The rest of this day was relatively uneventful, only a couple stops for food pee breaks. Although I must note that when we got back to the turn off for the hot springs near Mammoth Lakes, the weather was in the process of turning. I guess that is a sign that it was time to leave the area.
We drove and drove and drove some more. The way back home was intended to be a little more direct in that we would make a B-Line straight to the I-5 from Suzanneville instead of going back the way we came. We passed Mt. Shasta in the night and hit the I-5 close to midnight. A little way north just before we crossed from California into Oregon is where the "fun" for the evening began!
Manuel, Jason and Myself had been driving for some time now, I believe close to 8 hours maybe 10, and were getting pretty sleepy so we pull into a truck stop to setup camp and sleep for the night. Now in our drowsy state, non of us quite clued in to the rules of an over night truck stop. Rules being that one side was designated for trucks that would be idling all night and the other side for trucks that would be silent. We of course setup camp on the side that had the trucks running all night. It was, really, the only reasonable solution to situation *sarcasm*.
All I can say is... Worst Night Ever. ...eeeeever!
Attempting to sleep with the droning of the motors wasn't so bad... it was when the motor got to warm and the engine fan kicked in that got really annoying. The three guys slept in a tent on a some grass, while both the girls slept under the canopy in the truck bed... right beside the trucks. To make things even worse, the elevation gain while driving at night had cause the temperatures to drop (I swear) below freezing. That and for what ever reason, my nose started to bleed at 5am. ugh.
Needless to say, everyone was up early. Jo and Lorraine took off to try and "wash up" while Jason, Manuel and myself packed up the tent. Once packed up we drove the trucks over to the washrooms to wait for the girls. So we wait... and wait... ...and wait... then after about 30 minutes of waiting we decided to go check on them and make sure that nothing bad had happened (being in the middle of nowhere at a truck stop... who knows what could happen there... the guys washroom was testament to that... I'm not even going to put you through the mess in there!!). We finally decide to go check on them and that's when they walk out. Apparently by "wash up" they really meant "attempt to have a shower under a faucet in a shallow sink with cold water only and only one hand drier".
...see previous post, section describing how securely their tent was tied down...
(I'm laughing inside while thinking about this moment).
After razzing them for the idea we all pack into the trucks and leave. The girls plyte in the washroom, I must admit, had lifted every ones spirits from the painful night we left behind. Everyone was now in good spirit and this set the tone for the remainder of the day.
As we left the truck stop and turned up the highway, the clouds started to breakup and sun started to shine through across the valley to our left. The two trucks motored up through the pass before entering into another valley in southern Oregon and the beauty that was before us took my breath away! Fluffy clouds floating effortlessly with out a worry, patchy with sun shining through into the valley of marshmallow hills. The grass was greener here, alive. It was all farm or pasture land covering seemingly endless miles of softly rolling hills.
It was a sight right out of a faerie tale.Taking one of the exits into Medford, we stop at a Starbucks to get some coffee. Climbing out of the truck into the warming sun was a wonderful feeling. I instantly had the urge to get changed into shorts with a t-shirt, and did just that. Walking out of Starbucks coffees in hand we all stood around chatting about how the morning was turning around. I just stood back and enjoyed the moment, dirty and smelly the lot of us, but not a care in the world.
Back on the highway, cruising along, taking in all the scenery Manuel pipes up and mentions that the coast is not that far away from where we were. This brings up the idea of heading to the coast of this leg of the journey. Oh my goodness, that would be the perfect end to this trip. After a little figuring, as in which route to take that would cost us the least amount of time getting home, we speed past Jason's truck and take the next exit. Stopping at a bagel shop for some food, we discuss the idea and without any hesitation everyone was in! Perfect!
I cannot even describe the next portion of the drive in words... but maybe a picture or two would help...
...I know...