I Climbed Once...
I sit here looking through the photo's of the past year...
typical that the majority of them are of people climbing or from the time during a climbing excursion...
It has been three weeks since the last time I have climbed...
and 11 weeks since the injury...
...11 weeks since the last time I was able to climb at my then current potential.
My knuckle no less swollen than 10 weeks ago. The same on and off again dull pain in the knuckle with slight stiffness in the joint preventing me from completely straightening my finger without discomfort...
...a constant reminder that it is not getting any better.
A trip is coming up in the near future... one that I have been anticipating since last summer... South Africa. Up until last week my only concerns with this trip had been the financial side and the reliability of other people that started this plan. Will I have enough money... what can I do without... how will I afford this and the camera I want... are they still interested in going, even though their lives have taken a pretty significant twist.
...then this last week I look down at my finger, feeling that reminder once again, and started thinking about how long it has been... 11 weeks and still no significant improvement.
Now I fear that it will not be money that keeps me from going... but my finger.